



Symbolic name


  0GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE The current default style for button arrangement, which can be reset. The default setting is GTK_BUTTONBOX_EDGE.
  1GTK_BUTTONBOX_SPREAD Specifies that the buttons should be spaced evenly across the area of the buttonbox, with a full-sized space at either edge of the column or row.
  2GTK_BUTTONBOX_EDGE Specifies that the buttons should be spaced evenly across the area of the buttonbox, with no space at either edge of the column or row.
  3GTK_BUTTONBOX_START Specifies that the buttons should be packed from the top or left edge of the buttonbox, and spaced according to their spacing and internal padding settings.
  4GTK_BUTTONBOX_END Specifies that the buttons should be packed from the bottom or right edge of the buttonbox, and spaced according to their spacing and internal padding settings.

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