There is a large amount of detailed information available about the
XFree86 server, the clients that connect to it, and the assorted desktop
environments and window managers.
7.6.1. Installed Documentation
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/README — Briefly describes the
XFree86 architecture and how to get additional information
about the XFree86 project as a new user.
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/RELNOTES —
For advanced users that want to read about the latest features
available in XFree86.
man XF86Config — Contains information
about the XFree86 configuration files, including the meaning
and syntax for the different sections within the files.
man XFree86 — The primary man page for
all XFree86 information, details the difference between local
and network X server connections, explores common
environmental variables, lists command line options, and
provides helpful administrative key combinations.
man Xserver — Describes the X display
7.6.2. Useful Websites
— Home page of the XFree86 project, which produces the
XFree86 open source version of the X Window System. XFree86 is
bundled with Red Hat Linux to control the necessary hardware and provide a
GUI environment.
— Home page of the DRI (Direct Rendering Infrastructure)
project. The DRI is the core hardware 3D acceleration component
of XFree86.
The Concise Guide to XFree86 for Linux by
Aron Hsiao; Que — Provides an expert's view of the
operation of XFree86 on Linux systems.
The New XFree86 by Bill Ball; Prima
Publishing — Discuses XFree86 and its relationship with the
popular desktop environments, such as GNOME and KDE.
Beginning GTK+ and GNOME by Peter Wright;
Wrox Press, Inc. — Introduces programmers to the GNOME
architecture, showing them how to get started with GTK+.
GTK+/GNOME Application Development by Havoc
Pennington; New Riders Publishing — An advanced look into
the heart of GTK+ programming, focusing on sample code and a
thorough look at the available APIs.
KDE 2.0 Development by David Sweet and
Matthias Ettrich; Sams Publishing — Instructs beginning and
advanced developers in how to take advantage of the many
environment guidelines required to built QT applications for KDE.