imap_createmailbox imap_createmailbox (PHP 3, PHP 4, PHP 5)
imap_createmailbox -- Create a new mailbox
Description bool
imap_createmailbox ( resource imap_stream, string mbox )
imap_createmailbox() creates a new mailbox
specified by mbox . Names containing
international characters should be encoded by imap_utf7_encode()
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure..
Example 1. imap_createmailbox() example
<?php $mbox = imap_open ( "{}" , "username" , "password" , OP_HALFOPEN ) or die( "can't connect: " . imap_last_error ()); $name1 = "phpnewbox" ; $name2 = imap_utf7_encode ( "phpnewböx" ); $newname = $name1 ; echo "Newname will be '$name1'<br /> \n " ; // we will now create a new mailbox "phptestbox" in your inbox folder, // check its status after creation and finaly remove it to restore // your inbox to its initial state if (@ imap_createmailbox ( $mbox , imap_utf7_encode ( " { } INBOX.$newname" ))) { $status = @ imap_status ( $mbox , " { } INBOX.$newname" , SA_ALL ); if ( $status ) { echo "your new mailbox '$name1' has the following status:<br /> \n " ; echo "Messages: " . $status -> messages . "<br />\n" ; echo "Recent: " . $status -> recent . "<br />\n" ; echo "Unseen: " . $status -> unseen . "<br />\n" ; echo "UIDnext: " . $status -> uidnext . "<br />\n" ; echo "UIDvalidity:" . $status -> uidvalidity . "<br />\n" ; if ( imap_renamemailbox ( $mbox , " { } INBOX.$newname" , " { } INBOX.$name2" )) { echo "renamed new mailbox from '$name1' to '$name2'<br /> \n " ; $newname = $name2 ; } else { echo "imap_renamemailbox on new mailbox failed: " . imap_last_error () . "<br />\n" ; } } else { echo "imap_status on new mailbox failed: " . imap_last_error () . "<br />\n" ; } if (@ imap_deletemailbox ( $mbox , " { } INBOX.$newname" )) { echo "new mailbox removed to restore initial state<br />\n" ; } else { echo "imap_deletemailbox on new mailbox failed: " . implode ( "<br />\n" , imap_errors ()) . "<br />\n" ; } } else { echo "could not create new mailbox: " . implode ( "<br />\n" , imap_errors ()) . "<br />\n" ; } imap_close ( $mbox ); ?>
See also imap_renamemailbox() ,
imap_deletemailbox() and
imap_open() for the format
of mbox names.